Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Goals and Visions

On a discussion board I'm a part of, I recently talked about the importance of having goals and a vision for your homeschool. I really think this is important because it helps keep me focused on what our plans are as parents for our kids. It keeps me focused when I'm choosing curriculum and planning for the next year. In other words, it may be wonderful, but, if it doesn't fit our goals it's not for us. Here's what my husband and I have come up with:

Four Winds Academy
Goals and Vision
General Vision

1. To be able to further our personal relationship with Jesus in all aspects of our
2. To be able to communicate the gospel effectively and in a culturally relevant
way in society.
3. To be solid in the foundations of our faith by having a Christian worldview.
4. To be life-long independent learners and, therefore, successful in all we do.
5. To build strong relationships with fellow believers.

6. To understand the value of service and committment to others.

Goals to attain the vision

1. To be able to further our personal relationship with Jesus in all aspects of our

a) Teach the necessity of a personal quiet time each day.
b) Be involved in a healthy, spiritually alive church family.
c) Have a daily family prayer time.
d) Start and maintain Bible and Prayer journals at all ages.

2. To be able to communicate the gospel effectively and in a culturally relevant
way in society.

a) Teach a thorough understanding of the gospel and the law.
b) Create opportunities to be evangelistic as a family. Encourage the sharing
of their faith to their friends and others that they meet.
c) Teach them to be culturally relevant by using the newspapers, magazines,
music, and videos as tools to understand the cultural trends.
d) Be open and sensitive to questions they may have about what they see and
e) Choose curriculum that is fresh and makes God relevant to all they are
f) To teach a variety of communication skills including: writing, speech, drama,
music, art, and debate.

3. To be solid in the foundation of our faith by having a Christian world view.

a) Attend World View Weekends and Summit camps at appropriate ages.
b) Choose material that clearly represents and defends our Christian heritage.
c) Educate them on other religions and world views so they can compare and
contrast and understand truth.
d) Buy current event materials taught from a Christian World View.
e) Provide videos that teach these concepts.

4. To be lifelong independent learners and, therefore, successful in all we do.

a) Choose curriculum that is self-contained and can be easily done independently.
b) Assign projects that encourage research and discovery.
c) Provide materials to assist in research and discovery.
d) Teach skills effectively: reading, writing, research, etc. This will help to
achieve independence.

5. To build strong relationships with other believers.

a) Attend a spiritually alive church.
b) Provide ample opportunity to build friendships through play dates, co-ops,
and clubs.
c) Teach how to be a good friend and effective communication skills in relation
to others.

6. To understand the value of service and commitment to others.
a) Provide opportunities of service through community volunteer organizations:
nursing home activities department, soup kitchen, animal shelters, crisis
pregnancy centers
b) Teach on commitment and find a place for them to have to commit to being
involved for a short length of time.
c) Help them understand attitude, commitment, and obedience go hand in hand.

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