Friday, January 25, 2008


Well, I've been feeling the urge to blog about our home schooling adventures for some time now, and, I feel like I finally have enough time, knowledge, and heart to do it.

About 2 years ago, we felt God calling our family to leave Minnesota and move to Antigua, Guatemala to joing Youth With A Mission to work at beginning a base here. If you are interested in our work here you can here: We are currently committed to work here until 2010. After that, where ever we are directed, we will go.

But, this blog isn't about our ministry, it's about what I do. I have been home schooling my 3dc: A, B, and C for 8 years now, and, I have to say, it's been one of the most beautifully frustrating things I've attempted to this date in my life! I love it, but, there are times I feel so inadequate that I wonder at God's wisdom in calling me to this. But, do it I will because I'm am a very determined and driven person! It's a challenge, and I will rise to it with His help because within myself, I have nothing I need to accomplish this task.

A little background on my 3:

A: The typical oldest child who, at 13, is coming into her own. I love watching her grow and become someone who is struggling to find out who she is, and yet, there are times she is still such a little girl. She loves music, art, writing, and photography. She dislikes math, dairy products (can you imagine?), and people who can't make up their mind. She is compassionate and a natural teacher. Currently, she is teaching a bi-lingual group of girls at our church here on Sunday mornings. What that means is, she prepares her lessons in Spanish and English and teaches in both languages. I have to say, it comes real easy to her to be bi-lingual. I'm a little jealous of that!

B: She is my 11 year old horse-crazy, shy, creative girl. She has been blessed by a friend of our family's with horse back riding lessons which has been the dream of her life! I marvel at her courage as she jumps the horse she rides over really incredible jumps. There are times, I can't watch!! She loves knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, music, and art. She taught herself how to knit and crochet because, unfortunately for her, she has a craft-challenged mom! She dislikes people who think she's younger than her younger brother, bread (another thing I can't understand), and bugs. Her Spanish skills are also about to surpass those of mine, but, I'm thankful that she's trying so I don't get too upset. She's incredibly shy and we are working on that!

C: He is my typical 9 year old boy. He's all boy. When I was pregnant with him I remember thinking how much fun I would be to have a little boy who acted and thought like Calvin in the Calvin and Hobbes comics (I love those). Well, be careful what you wish for! He embodies the spirit of Calvin like nobodies business. He is completely outgoing which has helped his Spanish. He is fluent now in Spanish because of his determination not to be left out by the neighborhood kids. He is learning soccer in a soccer league here in Antigua. He likes computers, science, and video games. He dislikes almost nothing because his curiosity drives him and he tries things and finds he likes them. He does have one weakness, he's a mama's boy. I know, I know, what am I doing to him? I am ruining him for his future wife! Well, too bad, I only get him for a few years and she has the rest of her life to change it all! Good luck, right?

Anyway, this is getting long. Obviously I have a lot to say, and this is why the blog has officially begun!

1 comment:

andie said...

LOL..I did a double take reading this. I have a 13yog who sounds much like yours, and an 11yo horse crazed girl, and a 9yo boy!