Well, we finally made it back from our first break in 2 and a half years! Minnesota was beautiful, but, I have to say, very very cold. And to top it off, the car someone let us use didn't have heat! God has a sense of humor, doesn't he? Needless to say, we are very glad to get back to sunny, warm Guatemala. It was a good trip, and we accomplished much, but, I'll be glad to get back into the swing of things here again.
During our trip, we didn't do much schooling. We brought some books in the event that we had some time to do some school, but, it just didn't happen. We did visit the Science Museum in St. Paul, and did some fun educational activities including visiting the co-op I helped to start several years ago. Boy, do I miss the friendships and support I had back then.
Good things are happening here. We have 2 new families moving in close to us who are home schoolers! That's an answer to prayer for me and my dc, we don't know many here to home school, most send their kids to the missionary school in the City. It's expensive for us, and, I just love home schooling!!!! I'm meeting with one of the families tomorrow to talk to them about how to go about it and help them with some curriculum. I'm looking forward to it.
While we were home, I made our final curriculum choices. We are going to go with everything except Singapore Math. I've decided to do Developmental Math with my ds who is an extremely visual learner and loves hands-on things. It will be a supplement to what I already have and I think with the two together, it will work really well.
I am now endeavoring to piece together my history things and see what else I might need in way of supplements, but, I think I'm doing okay with all of that as well.
Tomorrow we get back to it. I'm overwhelmed by what needs to be done in the next several months, but, I know it will all come together and I constantly remind myself that public schools do not finish their curriculum by the end of the year, so I don't need to worry so much about that. I do want to get to a good stopping point for my dc so that they don't have holes, though, and I'm going to spend the next few weeks going through everything and determining the good stopping point. Whew! I'm going to be busy.
I hope to start posting our weekly report to keep myself accountable as to what we are accomplishing and doing. Also, I want to start processing through writing my thoughts about Charlotte Mason and her methods. I need to be inspired again to keep on the track we started so long ago!